
Heritage Cladding is manufactured from uPVC, a very high grade UV stabilized Polyvinyl Chloride.

Some of the products in the range are lined with an insulation layer of closed cell EPS expanded polystyrene ‘R’ value 0.6 (which is twice the minimum requirement for a thermal break).

Cladding is supplied in boards 5800mm long with an effective cover of 250mm.

Products are available in thicknesses from 1.2mm to 6mm.

The boards are hooked up and screwed in position.

The cladding system has a complete range of trims and finishes to ensure the product not only looks good when installed, but also remains weather proof.

Heritage has twice the minimum required R.Value for thermal break

Heritage Cladding has been thoroughly tested in use, as well as in the laboratory. The test results are available on request.

Heritage Complies with NZ Building Code Clauses:

  • Structure B1 (wind loading)
  • Thermal efficiency H1 (R Value)
  • Durability B2 (Toughness and UV stability)
  • External moisture E2 (Weather tightness)

How it Works

The started strip is fixed in
position. The first board is hooked
under the started strip.

The board is pulled up and the
top of the board is
secured into position.

The second board is then
hooked into the first board
and the process continues.

QUICK and EASY to install – NO Painting: NO Maintenance

Heritage Cladding is extremely cost-effective.

It is inexpensive to buy, very easy to install, and requires NO painting. It requires NO maintenance.

It is VERY tough and can take life’s knocks in its stride.

In the unlikely event of a board being damaged, it can be easily removed and replaced without the need for special tools, skills, or any patching and painting afterward.


Heritage Cladding is thermally insulated (R 0.6).

This means it will keep you warmer in winter and cooler in summer.

Not only this, but it will cut your energy bills.

This insulation quality has the added benefit of eliminating the need for a thermal break on Steel Framed buildings when used with the correct building wrap.